I have found in my life that I really don't like the feeling of competition, that I really would like to share the hula, and chant, with people that really want to learn, rather than to compete against other na hula halau (Hula Schools) on who is the best, for I believe we all are doing the same with learning and teaching the Hula, and that is the perpetuation of our Hawaiian culture.
-Kumu Hula Ehulani Stephany
As a Student
Ehulani has studied hula, and chanting under numerous na kumu hula (hula teachers) in the Hawaiian Islands. Every kumu hula is different and shares a wonderful knowledge of the Hawaiian hula, and chant. Having learned various lineages and styles of hula and chants, Ehulani has developed her own style by incorporating elements of all. Kumu Ehulani uniki under Uncle George Na'ope.
Named below are the Hula Masters with whom Ehulani has studied:
From the island of Hawaii
-- Uncle George Na'ope
-- Johnny Lum Ho
-- Ray Fonseca
-- Etua Lopes
-- Nani and Leialoha Lim
-- Punahele Andrade
-- Buzzy Histo
-- Michael Kukuna'okala Pang
-- Taupo Tangaro (Kaipo Frias)
-- Pua Kanahele Kanaka'ole, Nalani Kanaka'ole, Kekuhi Kanaka'ole
From the island of Maui
-- Pekelo Day
From the island of O'ahu
-- Kaha'i Topolinski
From the island of Kaua'i
-- Roselle Bailey
As a Teacher (Kumu)
Ehulani herself has a wealth of experience teaching others. She has taught hula in the Malamalama Waldorf School, Na Wai Ola Public-Charter School, and Kea'au School summer programs, as well as being a Hawaiian Studies Hula Teacher in various public schools on the Big Island. She has taught hula to Senior Citizens, through the Department of Parks and Recreation. Ehulani travels to Japan where she has taught many na kumu hula (hula teachers) and many na hula halau (hula schools). Ehulani also has a degree in Hawai'ian Lifestyles/Culture/Hula, from Hawai'i Community College.
Her devotion to perpetuating traditional Hawaiian culture takes Ehulani and her halau to numerous ceremonies, festivals and celebrations of Hawai'ian culture. In the state of Hawai'i, the Ka Hula Piko ("Birth of the Hula") celebration on Moloka'i; the Mokihana Hula Festival on Kaua'i; the Aloha Week Festival parade and Ho'olaulea on Lana'i; and the World Hula Conference on Hawai'i and Maui island's (where Ehulani was an instructor in both 2001 and 2005). On her home island of Hawaii, Ehulani's halau served as the annual Royal Court Dancers, for the Royal Court of Pu'uhonua 'O Honaunau ("Place of Refuge") for many years.
Outside the islands, she has taken hula to Alaska, the Canadian Yukon, Japan, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Okinawa, Korea, California, New York, and Aotearoa (New Zealand.) She has twice attended the World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Education: in Hilo, Hawaii, in 2001 with her halau; and in 2005 to Aotearoa, with a group from the Hawaii Community College, Hawaiian Life-Style Program. The halau was also invited numerous times, to perform an hour of Hula Kahiko (Ancient Hula) for the Na Mea Hawai'i Series, at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park.

As a Steward
Ehulani and her Halau are involved in the restoration of the Paka'alana Heiau, an ancient Hawai'ian temple, in Waipi'o Valley. This has been an ongoing project for the past 20 years, and we invite anyone! If interested in helping, please contact Kumu Hula Ehulani.
Ehulani has trained and assisted with many Kahuna nui, in cleansings, clearings, and numerous types of blessing ceremonies, which lead her to be blessed formally by two Ali'i Kahuna Nui, as an Ali'i Kahuna Nui (High Priestess.)
Ehulani and her na haumana (students) also find time for participating in many charitable events, to raise money for such things as hospitals, adult day-care centers, and other associations. They also perform at weddings, birthdays, anniversary celebrations, and ceremonial blessings of various kinds.
Halau Hula Ka Makani Hali 'Ala O Puna