Halau Hula Ka Makani Hali 'Ala O Puna is a nonprofit 501(c) organization dedicated supporting and encouraging the growth and perpetuation of traditional Hawaiian culture. Your donation supports us in accomplishing these goals:
Educating students in various aspects of hula, including hula kahiko (ancient hula dance), oli (chants), ho'opa'a (accompaniment), regalia (adornment), and protocol
Spreading awareness of Hawaiian language and culture and the true meaning of Aloha
Building our very own hula center in Puna makai, a dream decades in the making which will ensure the continuance of our sacred Hawaiian traditions
Our Halau also sells Macadamia and Mamaki tea - all grown and processed here on the Island of Hawai'i.

All donations are tax-deductible
Halau Hula Ka Makani Hali 'Ala O Puna